Fumi is Diana’s mom and Reagan is her younger brother. Both have been to just about every travel adventure that Roger and Diana have been able to put together.....and they are really fun to have along. Every once in awhile Roger and Diana are able to convince mom to come to Laguna Beach and spend some time with them. The trip usually lasts just a few weeks before mom needs to get back to Sonoma and be with Butch and Mylet (two miniature poodles) who are spoiled rotten....go figure!! Reagan holds the dubious distinction of having accumulated the highest score (not a good thing) in the infamous Progressive Rummy game. He has been accused of sand-bagging so don’t play him for money.
Reagan likes a good Sea Breeze cocktail (not sure what this is but rumor has it that it comes with a little pink umbrella) and mom likes Sunkist orange soda. Of course many of you might recall when Buzz got Mom pretty well looped on Bloody Mary’s at Roger and Diana’s wedding of all places......so maybe just one....OK, two at the most...naw go for it Mom, it's your Birthday live it up!!
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