Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tipping & Gratuity ...may get you want you want!

All though we will be at an all inclusive resort. Tipping will be your best avenue to getting the finest service. This is particularly true because the minimum wage is a bit more than $5.00 a "DAY"! Did you get that ... $5 dollars a DAY! See why tipping can make a difference!

I've been finding tipping guides to say that it is preferable to tip in pesos mainly because then
the exchange would charge a service fee. However, it might also be to your advantage to attain pesos so that you can then distribute the pesos accordingly which may often lend itself below your US dollar amount. Otherwise bring your dollar bills and distribute it as you would in the USA. And guess what? ... the Americans HAVE invaded the Riviera Maya as the locals have gotten accustomed to the American ways and their dollars. The service staff have become acquainted with the tipping practices of the USA here's an FYI, expectation for tipping are similar to that of the states, particularly in the tourist areas.

I have a couple of sources you can reference for tipping guides. Check out...

And here are general guidelines that I have have listed of what services you might partake during our trip:

Baggage Handlers/Skycaps/Bellman
$1-2 US per bag pending weight of bags & how much they assist or difficulty of assistance

$1-2 US per ROUND and 10-15% if running a bar tab. Generosity here may be worth while if you plan to hang around a long time in the resort bar. Particularly as the drinks are covered. the call is yours...Russell & Randy may have some good tips on this! These two guys always score!

$2-5 (US dollars) per person per housekeeping visit is recommended and definitely give extra if your suite requires more attention or special services are rendered. You know who you slobs are!

Tour Guide
The recommendation is $5.00 per person on a 20+ group and 15-20% tip on the cost of the tour with a smaller group such as 4 as an example. Personally, I think if the person does great..out going, friendly and accommodating with answering your questions or needs...then loosen the purse/wallet string. But nothing says you can't give less if it's just not up to par! Be reasonable and do what you would want done to you.

Spa Service
15-20% is the standard and if it's the owner or a medical nurse or doctor than it is not necessary to tip.

10-15% is recommended...but DO check your bill before paying as gratuities may be included
and you might very well pay twice without knowing it! Drunks (and you know who you are) do this and I wouldn't be surprised that the locals laugh to the banco!

Photo provided by Flickr.

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