Okay, don't panic folks it's not that stressful. Easier then you can imagine. So I have a couple of websites here that will explain it better then what I can attempt. Check them out and if you need more information then what I have for you ... I'm glad you are joining us because you do need a vacation! This is a higher end resort and so they want the guests to look nice and dress appropriate. You did check out my article on the Now Jade, right? Looks sleek and classy, huh? Well they want us that way too. It's not a Spring Break for college students you know! So leave the T-Shirts & Flip Flops for the day and dress up a bit for dinner.
As for Roger and I? Oh yeah, count on his "I buy Japanese Sword T-Shirt" during the day, but at evening meal time... I will insist that Roger bring at least one pair of Docker style pants to match the days of the restaurants' dress code. I'll have him bring 5 dressy collar shirts and/or polo shirts to match his probably dark pants. Shoes? Oh I think his all black tennis shoes will be fine (which I'm guessing will be his choice) or he can bring his loafers. For me, I will bring one or two long sundress and/or my dressy slacks which I will mix and match and accent with scarves and jewelry. Oh ladies, I meant to say, COSTUME JEWELRY. Leave your favorite or treasured jewels at home. And I would bring a light sweater or windbreaker for the plane ride and air-conditioned resort rooms.
Here are the websites I mentioned that may clarify it all...
Photo provided by Flickr:Sarah_Ackerman
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