It never hurts to implement your preparation and planning tactics for your trip. In fact early is always better. So take charge and know your airline guidelines. As those days are truly gone when one can fly in and out of the airport transportation system at a last moment for the most part. So make a list and check it twice, so your kick off to your vacation getaway is a smooth landing. Oh and for those of us who don't travel much or are retired and not on the business savvy mode for travel. Well, definitely don't wait to the last minute. Below are some reminders and perhaps you might add a few more to the list that I might have missed.
Pre & Post Airport
Some of our guests, like Marty & Buzz & Karen have a regular driver they use for their airport transportation shuttle. Roger & I, well we have done the limo service and also have utilized the stay & park option at a hotel near the airport. What ever your plans are don't forget this part of the trip.
Airline Baggage Fees & Guidelines
Now is probably a good time to check out your airline website for baggage requirements. Each airline is different and believe me there are a number of airlines among our group. So double check so you aren't surprised when you arrive to find out it's gonna cost you a $50 spot because your luggage is excess of the weight requirement or you have two or more luggage pieces, ugh!
Proper ID, Passport & Documents
Passport, passport,passport...and don't forget your Driver License or ID...you know you won't be passing GO and certainly not collecting anything, not even a wave through. So don't forget this important document. Also grab your confirmation number or print out your airline ticket info and also grab your resort documents (yes, it's in the mail). What's important is you get these documents together or you are not going very far!
Re-Confirm E-Tickets & Check-In & Flights
You thing life changes? ...well so do flight schedules and airlines. I think some of us had that happen on this very trip already with Mexicana Airlines. So whatever carrier you are on, just be sure you make the call or go on line...and check! Muy importante, mi amigo!
So you think that crying baby is awful. Well don't be a part of the problem. You know you are going to have to go through security and it's a routine you might as well get use too. So do your homework, check yourself and your carry-on. Here's a link to TSA if you need it. But make it simple --- do yourself and others a big favor and leave your rodeo cowboy belt buckle and favorite pedicure tools in the checked luggage. Oh and don't forget about shoes...slip on are the fastest and easiest.
Suitcase ID/itinerary
Do you ever look out the window to your airplane while they load the luggage? How about paying attention and gaze around to the number of people pulling/carrying their luggage? All this adds up to a lot of baggage and there is a reason the airline has a lost & found. Figure out what you're gonna pack and then remember to include your trip schedule with address and contact. If your luggage gets lost at least the airline can get it back to you, even at the resort - if they had an address and when you were going to be there, right?
Health & Safety
Although we're heading to warmer weather. Count on someone having a cold or flu or a nasty sneeze or cough. Take the time to prepare and plan not waiting to the last minute, get a good night sleep, plenty of "Vitamin Good" fluids. And bring a light sweater or jacket to use as your
airplane blanket and/or pillow. My rule is that if the blanket or pillow is sealed in a plastic bag I use it. If not, I pass...not sure who had it before and don't want to catch a sneeze or cough spray on the community item! I also read that eating yogurt helps your digestive system to combat Montezuma's Revenge...well perhaps get your stomach in training just in case?
Essential Comforts & Needs
The days of meals/food/snacks and drinks are a thing of the pass unless of course you are perhaps first class? So again think ahead and see what you can bring. Check with Transportation Security Administration or some link online as fresh fruit may be healthy but may have restrictions. Don't always assume that the airport is a way of getting food either. Sometimes it's no better then the pre-package airplane food that they want $10 for but worth $1.50, if that! Oh I believe the flight between LAX to CUN is about 4.5 hours. Not a lot of time but it may be awhile before we get to the resort for some eats. So bringing something along is a good back-up. I know from experience Roger is not a fun travelmate when he's hungry....so you can count on me to prepare & plan for this.
Lastly, you are gonna need to fill out forms before you get off the plane in Cancun. So bring a pen & for us oldies, but goodies?! Don't forget your glasses & pills!
Photo provided by Flickr:RalphHockens
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