Did we tell you there were going to be prizes? Well come find Karen or Buzz as they have been recruited with coordinating the Progressive Rummy Game that Roger and Diana so love to play!
We will be handing out rules, scoresheets, playing cards & pen at the resort, so form a group or join in with any of us playing and enjoy the challenge and camaraderie. At the end of each game or at some point during the trip, turn in your scoresheets (be sure you identify the players) to Buzz or Karen. We will keep track of the highest ("Loser") and the lowest ("Winner") scores for the week and at the last night (Friday) happy hour cocktail time, prizes will be announced and
distributed. Since this is a celebration of their 20th year of marital bliss, Roger & Diana have decided to also have special prizes for anyone with a score that ends in '20, such as 20, 120, 220, 320 (you get the picture) or '90 as they got married in 1990!
So grab a drink, a snack and tanning lotion and meet us for some fun and entertainment. We'll be floating around throughout the week to help or coordinate games and root you on.
Karen & Buzz
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