Wanted to share this tip now. Alex has an upcoming blog article she wrote which will be posted on March 4th. Thought if you were interested, you might want a few more days to make this purchase. If you are from Southern California you might be familiar with Mother's Market check out this link for location.
Alex has found a biodegradable suntan lotion that will work for use at Yalku Lagoon for snorkeling. She says she has a bottle to share but if anyone else can get one that would be great for those guests who are out of the area. I will try and check out our local health food store to see if they might have one as well. Alex said they also sell this at the lagoon.
Thanks Alex for this helpful tip! Roger is gonna love you as my "Pale Face -Body Boy" will need the sunscreen for sure.
Photo provided by Flickr.Crinity
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