Although our 20th anniversary landmark was on October 20th of 2010, we chose March 2011 as our ceremony celebration, simply because the weather is near perfection during this time period! The Riviera Maya's best weather season is between December and April. With an average of 253 days of sunshine in a year... we are counting that this time of year will greet us with around 84 degrees during the day and 64 degrees at night. Humidity is generally comfortable as this is the drier time of the year and also known as the high season for tourists. Yes, there is a reason why the weather plays a major role with this high tourist season.
Thought you all might want to know this tidbit of weather information as you may be out shopping for that perfect outfit, right?! Oh and if you haven't discovered it with your last blog article on NOW JADE Resort's website. There is a live webcam of our resort that you can access. Click on to the Now Jade Resort Home Page and find under the center photo the heading WEBCAM, then in the bottom center of the live webcam photo you will see the first icon looking like a sun/circle. If you place your cursor it will open up a window noting Cancun's temperature, condition, humidity, barometer, windspeed, sunrise, sunset & wind chill.
If you need more specific information, check out the Weather Channel and type Puerto Morelos, Mexico in the location. This is our little resort town. Now start pulling out those summer clothes, but be sure to bring a light sweater/windbreaker for the air conditioner or the plane ride ...yahoo!
Photo provided by Flickr.sarchi
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