Some of you may be new to this sort of communication avenue with the Davis blog newsletter and others...well let's say you've been hanging around the Davis' a lot and have made your share of journey with our group trips. So welcome newbies and old hats...this blog is for us!
Because on this trip, we have a much smaller and intimate group. Yes, how special is that! Roger and I wanted to do two things...be a bit more casual for one (we are going to the beach after all) and secondly, we talked about being more personable and hoping to get some special moments to share. So my co-hort and partner of 20 years, co-editor Roger will be providing his own take of blog articles about each of our guest who will be in attendance. Oh and by the way, Alex will not be refunding you of your decision to change your mind if you are fearing Roger's creative literary articles....so this might be a good time to bribe Roger instead. Here's a 20 year anniversary hint for you..... he loves Bombay Sapphire Gin Martinis.
Also, we welcome any jpeg photos (of yourself) that you can send to me as we have plans to post a photo with your spotlight blog article. Yes, you are a shining star....AND we do have photos of you! So see you soon and again thank you for joining us!
Photo provided by RTA Associates